Our date night.
Well, first off, it wasn't at night and it didn't involve restaurants or movie theaters. Instead, Eric and I got to go, Oliver free for the 7th time since he's been born, to the Epilepsy Clinic! And then, hold your breath, to the DMV! Whoohoo!
The date was very much one of a kind, complete with men, women and children moping around with face masks because they had a "cough or flu-like symptoms." And that was the beginning. The first doctor we saw had a thick Indian accent and I'm pretty sure Eric and I might have agreed to move across the Atlantic. The second doctor, the director of the program, is proudly German, with, as you've guessed it, a thick German accent. (Beer and elephant rides were offered on more than one occasion, something about the alcohol and swaying motion....)
Now, off to the mobile DMV. Mobile, because we live in Vermont and there are not enough people to warrant multiple offices. To put it in perspective, the mobile DMV wouldn't be back to my area for another 2-3 weeks. Thankfully, my birth certificate, social security card, marriage license, utility bills, paystubs, and BJ's card finally won the battle and they issued me a new Vermont license. I had lost my old SC license a while ago and thought it made sense to just get a new Vermont license, I do live in Vermont rather than SC. Well, after 4 different calls to DMV's I've decided it is much easier to just drive illegally. I won't expound on the effort it took me to get this Vermont license, made almost impossible by stubborn and ill SC workers, but suffice it to say it was a pain in the *****! But I was awarded the pleasure of admiring wall-to-wall golden hued carpeting complete with a carpet-covered bar in the DMV mobile office.
Now that I think about it, it might have been the 8th time we've been Oliver free. It was nice to drive without turning around to entertain or sing Down By the Bay a billion times.
I think we owe it to each other to have a real date, but babysitters, man as if the movies weren't expensive enough. Jeez. Thank goodness for Netflix, which we don't have but whatever.
FALL BACK! Revised Designs
1 year ago